

  • 搬家进宅都有的风水注意事项
  •  一、选的日子不能冲家长、冲生肖 First, the choice of days can not flush the parents, the zodiac 日子是不能冲家长的,特别是不能冲家长的生肖,甚至一般情况下,连入住家人的生肖也不能冲的。还要选好日子、选对时辰,这样搬家进宅后,很多事情才会顺利,才能避免很多不好的事情。 Days can not rush to parents, especially parents can not rush to the zodiac, and even under normal circumstances, even the family members of the zodiac can not rush. It is also necessary to choose the right days and choose the right time so that many things will be successful after moving into the house, so that many bad things can be avoided. 二、搬家进宅以什么仪式为准呢 Two. What is the ritual to move into the house 这是很多人问到的问题,就是搬家进宅以什么仪式为准呢?是以家具搬进去为准,还是以入住为准等等。其实真正的仪式是以开灯、开炉、铺床三个步骤为准的,其中更加以开炉煮东西为标志。 This is the question many people have asked. What is the ritual of moving into the house? Whether furniture is moved in, or occupancy is the criterion. In fact, the real ceremony is based on the following three steps: turning on the lights, blowing the stove and making the bed. 三、意头很重要,虽然只是心理作用 Three. The Italy head is very important, although it is only psychological. 有些人做事觉得这个意头很重要,是的,虽然它只是心理作用。比如搬家进宅时进去的时候,不能空手,可以拿一些意头好的东西,比如油、米等等,或油灯等等,都是很好的意头。 Some people feel that this idea is very important, yes, though it is only psychological. For example, when moving into the house, it can not be empty, can take some good things, such as oil, rice and so on, or oil lamps, and so on, are very good head. 四、可提前半小时贴对联或挥春 Four, can be half an hour ahead of the couplet or spring 有些地方进宅搬家是要贴对联或挥春的,这个可以在选好的吉时之前半小时提前贴好,这个时间选的好,作用也往往很大,比如旺丁催财,也是经常有的事情。 Some places to move into the house is to stick to the couplet or spring, this can be selected in advance half an hour before the good, the time to choose, the role is often very large, such as Wang Ding, also often some things. 五、三天内不能空房 No vacant room for five or three days 有些地方的风俗是搬家进宅后必须住满三天的,这个其实是有道理的。因此,搬家进宅,头三天一定要住满的。 The custom in some places is to live for three days after moving into the house, which is actually reasonable. Therefore, when moving into a house, it must be full for the first three days. 当然每个地方还会有不同的习俗,可以请教下身边的老人,相信搬家进宅的过程就会更加完善了。 Of course, there will be different customs in every place. We can consult the elderly around us, and believe that the process of moving into the house will be more perfect. 
    更新时间: 2019年02月20日 10:33
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